Tanya Hunt

With a curiosity for all things connected to our human existence, I have spent many years studying our mind, body and soul. Combining studies in psychology, osteopathy, naturopathy and shamanism, my approach to wellbeing is multi-faceted and all encompassing. 

Having spent 15 years practicing as an osteopath, I became disillusioned by working mostly on the physical body. I knew a deeper layer of emotional release and healing was needed by most of the patients who came to see me, including myself. 

I had a desire to transform the pain and grief in my own body from the death of my dear brother. I had a knowing that a different way existed. A way that could bring relief to my pain, bring me back to happiness and heal my soul. I could feel Spirit calling and I was seeking a deeper connection to myself and the world.  

From here I found the shamanic way. I found the way to wholeness, vitality and my sovereign self. I found my voice, my passion, my joy at being human. 

I am deeply connected to spirit and nature. I have worked now for many years with my spirit allies. Every time I journey to my allies I am profoundly grateful and amazed at the work they do. The shamanic way and the ancient healing practices of our ancestors have become my path in this life.  

It would be my honour and privilege to work with you. To help you find your path back to your heart and find a more soulful connection to yourself, your family, your community and mother earth. To empower you and walk with you on your path to wholeness and vitality. 

Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you in spirit.  

If you are interested in working with me in Dorset for your physical and nutritional needs, follow on to my other website to see what is available at:

blandford complementary health